Honey & Lemon at Recovery Festival | CAMBRIDGE

The creatives behind upcoming photographic novel Honey & Lemon bring their work to life for Recovery Festival, Cambridge, with photography, poetry, and personal stories of their own recovery experience.

Honey & Lemon is the story of a boy and a girl, and I’m going to ask Nikki to write a quick synopsis here.

At Recovery Festival we exhibit prints of Matt Widgery’s stunning photographic work on the project, and host an hour of performance – including readings from writer Nikki Marrone, and a guest performance from _______. The afternoon / evening concludes with an open mic, because recovery is a journey as individual as you are.

Whatever wellbeing means for you, however close or far away it seems – you are worth more than you know, and you will get through this.



Fulbourn Hospital
CB21 5EF


Friday 11th August 2017, 4pm
